Compassion Singapore is part of a global neighbourhood of over 40 countries united in our mission to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

The Compassion Difference

Our response to poverty is different. We focus on the holistic development of each child by partnering with local churches.

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Jesus is at the heart of Compassion. His love for the marginalised and His power to change lives are why Compassion exists. All children in our programs have the chance to hear the life-changing message of His love and that He is our ultimate source of hope.

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Children are the hardest hit by poverty and the least able to change their circumstances. We care for children holistically so they can reach their God-given potential and become adults capable of driving further change in their communities.

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We work in partnership with local churches across Asia and beyond. These local congregations are best placed to understand and meet the needs in their communities. They adapt our programs to effectively bring transformation in the lives of children.

Our global reach


Over 2 million children supported

Over 8,500 local church partners


Over 400,000 children supported

Over 1,600 local church partners


Our story

Compassion Singapore was established to elevate the transformative work of our local partners in Asia.

As part of God’s church in Singapore, we are committed to caring for children living in poverty in Asia and invite you to get involved in this mission.


From humble beginnings

More than 70 years ago, Rev. Everett Swanson travelled from the United States to South Korea to minister to troops during the war. During his time there, he was troubled by the sight of hundreds of war orphans living on the streets and vowed to find a way to help them.

He raised funds to purchase food and developed programs so that children could receive Bible lessons, food, clothing and medical assistance on a regular basis.

From these humble beginnings, Compassion grew into a global ministry that is still expanding to this day.